FFCA Website
Scrolling Banner
Market your organization with a scrolling banner ad on the front page of the FFCA website that can link to your company website or dedicated product/service page. Your organization would need to provide a high-resolution 980 width x 170 height pixel graphic in JPG or PNG file format. Click here to purchase online.
Advertisement |
Member Pricing |
Non-member Pricing |
One Week |
$200 |
$250 |
Two Weeks |
$400 |
$500 |
Three Weeks |
$600 |
$750 |
Four Weeks |
$800 |
$1,000 |
Five Bugle Sponsors
Five Bugle Sponsors is a designation given to specific vendors who have a long-standing and ongoing partnership the FFCA and its members. Five Bugle Sponsor sideline ads appear on every page of the FFCA website, alternating with other Five Bugle Sponsors.
FFCA Communications
Include an advertisement in a regularly scheduled FFCA email campaign or create a dedicated message to its membership. Provide an industry-relevant resource article. Sponsor a dedicated social post on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The FFCA regularly communicates with its membership and network of contacts through these digital avenues, more so now than ever, and sponsorship provides you with an opportunity to have your information shared with persons who have opted-in to receive our communications. Contact us for pricing and details.
Florida Fire Services Magazine
Place a quarter, half, or full-page advertisement in the monthly Florida Fire Services magazine. Print copies are direct mailed to subscribing FFCA Active and Associate members, and a digital copy is accessible to all members within the membership portal. Click here to view the rate sheet for advertisements in the Florida Fire Service magazine. Contact Scott Leisen at [email protected] or (386) 717-0055 for more information.
FFCA Career Center
The FFCA Career Center provides additional industry exposure for your job postings. Your FFCA Career Center account allows you to quickly post your jobs and keep all job-related information in one place. FFCA member discounts for job postings, banner advertisements and resume access subscriptions are available, click here for a complete list of services and prices. Post your job now.
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Exhibit at FFCA Events
Florida Fire Conference (formerly Fire-Rescue EAST) (January)
The Florida Fire Conference (formerly known as Fire-Rescue EAST) is the largest tradeshow for the fire services community in the southeast. Our exhibitors market a wide variety of products and services to the fire services community including firefighting apparatus, turnout gear, safety and health products, industry-relevant services, and fire service-specific promotional items. Sponsorship opportunities include but are not limited to: Custom branded lanyards, custom branded giveaway bags, conference mobile app, custom branded pens, food and beverage sponsorship, and general event sponsorship.
The Florida Fire Conference will be held in Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center.
Emergency Vehicle Technician Training Academy (TBD)
This training event is specific to Emergency Vehicle Technicians who perform maintenance on emergency vehicles and apparatuses within the Fire Service. These technicians are required to receive a degree of education and training to obtain certification to service these complex and life-saving vehicles.
The vendor opportunity at this event is through sponsorship and a limited vendor showcase of six-foot tables with only informational material/giveaways permitted to give all vendors equal representation. Sponsorship opportunities include, but are not limited to custom-branded lanyards and giveaways, food and beverage sponsorship, event sponsorship and speaker sponsorship.
Executive Development Conference (July)
The Executive Development Conference is specifically leadership-geared and attended primarily by the head of department, chief officers, and those who wish to pursue a career in leadership within the Fire Service. These individuals are typically the most influential and/or are decision-makers of their respective departments. The educational component is structured as all general sessions, thus, all attendees are typically present at each of the sessions/events offered during the conference. Depending on the level of sponsorship, a designated number of your representatives may participate in social events, providing additional face-time with the attendees.
The vendor opportunity at this event is through sponsorship and a limited vendor showcase of cocktail rounds with only informational material/giveaways permitted to give all vendors equal representation. Sponsorship opportunities include, but are not limited to custom-branded lanyards and giveaways, food and beverage sponsorship, event sponsorship, and speaker sponsorship.
Typically held in July, the location alternates each year.
Florida Fire Chiefs' Foundation Silent Auction (July)
Held during the Executive Development Conference, the Florida Fire Chiefs' Foundation Silent Auction is the foundation's premier fundraiser. The purpose of the foundation is to promote professional development through education and benevolence to further the Florida fire service and those who serve in it past, present, and future. Vendors are invited to make donations to the auction, these can take the form of vendor products, gift items, collectables, gift cards, event tickets or even vacation vouchers. One hundred percent of proceeds goes to programs that support and grow the men and women who serve and protect our communities.
Safety & Health Conference (October)
The Safety & Health Conference focuses on the health, safety, and overall wellness of first responders within the Fire Service. It features topics such as hazards exposure, contamination, mental health, risks of cancer, injury prevention, nutrition, physical fitness, as well as creating standards, processes, programs, and awareness aimed to mitigate health risks prevalent amongst those in the profession.
The vendor opportunity at this event is through sponsorship and a limited vendor showcase of six-foot tables on display for all three days of the conference. Sponsorship opportunities include, but are not limited to: custom-branded lanyards and giveaways, food and beverage sponsorship, event sponsorship, and speaker sponsorship.
Currently being held in October in Orlando.
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Training and Meetings
Emergency Services Leadership Institute (ESLI)
Emergency Services Leadership Institute (ESLI) is a series of six training sessions, each 2-day session focusing on a different function within the fire department outside of the general role of a firefighter, is attended by field officers who wish to pursue a role in leadership. This program gives the attendees a comprehensive understanding of the various responsibilities of the fire department and the organization as a whole, as well as how it relates to the community and the general public.
The vendor opportunity for ESLI is available as session sponsorship (for individual sessions or the series) for food and beverage. Sponsors are permitted to be present during these events, make information available to attendees, and provide giveaways.
Public Training/Informational Sessions/Symposiums
The Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association occasionally hosts and/or coordinates educational or informative sessions relevant to current and pressing issues to its members and network of contacts. Depending on the content, structure and cost, the courses are offered at minimal or no cost to attendees. The vendor opportunity at these events is typically through sponsorship that covers venue costs, food and beverage, and speaker expenses.
Regional Meetings
Typically occurring once a year, regional directors host meetings for members and contacts of the Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association for a half-day meeting with presentations from various fire service entities, providing updates, recent changes or relevant topics specific to the industry. The vendor opportunity at these events is typically through sponsorship that covers venue costs, food and beverage, and speaker expenses.
Virtual Events and Training
In light of the pandemic limiting our ability to host in-person events, the Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association is exploring opportunities to host training and/or events virtually. The marketing opportunities and associated costs are dependent on the type and duration of the event. Please contact Ngoc Huynh for specifics on which events are currently available for sponsorship and what those opportunities are.
For sponsorship inquires or more information, please contact: Ngoc Huynh Conference & Events Director Email or Mobile: (850) 691-9877
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