Fire Prevention and Risk Reduction

Fire Marshal & Fire Inspector Section of the Florida Fire Chiefs' Association


The mission of this section is to promote the protection of life and property from the effects of fire and related hazards through the established principles of education, engineering and enforcement.  The section is governed by a Section Council.


Section and Committee Policy
Description & By-Laws
Section Council
Chair Shawn M. Hanson, Assistant Chief, Fire Marshal
Greater Naples Fire Rescue District
(239) 774-2800
Vice Chair Paul Anderson, Jr., Fire Protection Specialist
NASA Kennedy Space Center Fire Services
(239) 980-0210

Jay Sumner, Assistant Fire Chief/Fire Marshal 
City of Boca Raton
(561) 982-4030

Immediate Past Chair David Woodside, Assistant Fire Chief
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
(561) 616-7057
FFCA Board Liaison Jeff Wagner, Fire Chief
Ocean City-Wright Fire Control District
(850) 862-1185

Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Website

Florida State Fire College

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