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ESLI - Finance and Budgeting
City of Tamarac Fire Rescue Department
6000 N. Hiatus Road
Tamarac, FL 33321
(954) 597-3800

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Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 8:00 AM to Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 5:00 PM EST
Category: ESLI

Emergency Services Leadership Institute

Emergency Services Leadership Institute (ESLI)

Finance & Budgeting

COURSE OUTLINE: A discussion on budgeting, and the funding process will focus on current trends in the fire and emergency service and creative methodologies to fund necessary organizational programs, and to serve as a basis for decision-making.  The need to identify broad goals with interaction with the community stakeholders is addressed.  The development of a policy to delineate fees and charges as they relate to the cost of the service will be addressed.  This includes direct and indirect costs such as maintenance and operating costs and charges for use of capital, including depreciation factors.

An analysis of various perspectives relating to fire and emergency services budgeting will shed light on the complexities of this process.  Recommended budgetary approaches will address the need to establish broad goals, develop the way these goals can be achieved, and evaluate budget performance, while being cognizant of the need to make necessary adjustments.  Performance measurement, developing efficiencies and best practices will be offered as useful budgeting tools.  This program will enable participants via team projects, role playing, and other interactive scenarios that place them in real-world, contemporary, and complex budget situations.

The impact of budgetary policies, including strategic planning, long-term financial sustainability, and other financial policies will be covered.  This program will focus on the normal budget process to the extent that abnormalities can be quickly determined and addressed, including the need to ‘downsize’ or minimizing service delivery, or to grow and enhance service delivery.  Revenue sources will be outlined with a focus on revenue diversification, alternative funding sources, and recent trends.  General guidelines will be shared to ensure a successful budget presentation.  Related topics such as grant writing and grant funding and dealing with Federal Emergency Management Administration procurement and fiscal guidelines and mandates before, during, and after declared catastrophic events will be addressed.

  • Budget Perspectives
  • Budget Types
  • Budget Development and Monitoring
  • Budget Policy Framework
  • Determining Budget Needs
  • Funding and Various Revenue Sources
  • Establishing Policy for Fees and Charges
  • Determining Capital cost and Associated Depreciation
  • Financial Diversification
  • The Importance of Meaningful Data
  • Developing Efficiencies through Best Practices
  • Managing the Effect of Budget Changes
  • Minimizing Service Reductions
  • Alternative Revenue Sources
  • Performance Measurement
  • Budget Presentation
  • Recent Budget Trends
  • Grant Writing and Grant Funding
  • FEMA Requirements and Reporting for Declared Emergencies
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