ESLI - Government Relations and Public Policy
Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 8:00 AM to Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 5:00 PM EST
Category: ESLI
Emergency Services Leadership Institute (ESLI) Government Relations and Public Policy
COURSE OUTLINE: This module is designed to enhance the participant’s understanding and knowledge of the ongoing relationships that exist between routine duties and responsibilities and internal and external forces that are evident in all governmental organizations. Florida Government 101 will serve as a foundation for this section. Traditional fire and emergency service models will be examined in the context of the political environment and public policy. To complement this and to lend perspective, the history, and traditions of the fire service will be reviewed as a means to discuss why these traditions both and help and hinder progress in the fire and emergency services. Organizational effectiveness will are discussed and analyzed as it relates to various self-imposed standards and rules, as well as rules and laws mandated from other political divisions.
The role and expectation of fire and emergency services in the community will be examined, as will other relationships that exist internal and external to the organization. The leader’s role in their community and the balance that must exist in their personal and professional lives will be discussed. Also, this module will address the necessary relationships that a chief officer has to have with stakeholders in the general community, and with those in the fire and emergency service community. The focus will be on the need to develop functional and respectful relationships with community members, special interests, elected officials, regional, state and federal organizations, as well as with those in the fire and emergency service community.
COMPETENCIES: A participant will:
- Understand the role and history of the fire and emergency service and its associated norms and traditions.
- Understand the role and impact of fire and emergency service in a community.
- Be able to articulate current trends in the fire and emergency service.
- Understand that routine duties specific to their job function may need to be expanded to meet their extraordinary responsibilities.
- Be able to differentiate the various relationships that must be developed and understood in their role as a leader.
- Be able to identify internal and external influences that impact an organization.
- Better understand the political intricacies and ramifications in a contemporary fire and emergency service environment.
- Understand their role as it relates to recommending and implementing public policy.
- Understand organizational behavior and relate specific behaviors to organizational effectiveness.
- Be able to define organizational effectiveness within their respective organization and apply new methods to enhance organizational effectiveness.
- Understand the rationale and political motivation concerning mandates from the federal, state, and local legislative entities.
- Understand the rule-making process initiated from within the organization as well as from outside the organization.
- Be able to appreciate the need for professional and civic involvement in the community at several levels.
- Understand the need to develop relationships with community members, special interests, elected officials, regional, state and federal organizations, as well as with those in the fire and emergency service community.
- Florida State Government Structure and Role
- The Fire Service Defined
- Fire Service Tradition
- Politics and the Fire Service
- The Role of Elected Officials
- The Impact of Public Policy
- The Hierarchical Role of the Chief Fire Officer
- Standards, Regulations, and Laws
- Expanded and Expected Roles and Services
- The Relationship Within the Fire Rescue Community
- The Relationship Within the Community
- Public Policy Issues Affecting the Fire Service
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