Bureau of Elevator Safety Memo: Emergency Responder Two-Way Radio Communications

Bureau of Elevator Safety Memo:
Emergency Responder Two-Way Radio Communications


TO: Julius Halas, Director, Division of State Fire Marshal
FROM: Michelle Haynes, Chief, Bureau of Elevator Safety
SUBJECT: Emergency Responder Two-Way Radio Communications
DATE: February 18, 2021

Currently adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 7th Edition Section 1:11.10 requires that in all new and existing buildings, minimum radio strength be maintained at a level as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, two-way radio communication enhancement systems shall comply with NFPA 1221 (2016 ed.). As outlined in F.S. 633, existing high-rise buildings have a separate compliance timeline. Though not specifically required, a two-way radio system for all emergency responders is allowed by NFPA 1221.

Obtaining the required radio coverage for areas designated critical areas and those deemed general areas necessitates that all portions of a building be considered. This includes the elevator shafts and hoistways which are dedicated to elevator related equipment only.

In order to install elements of these radio systems in an elevator hoistway, elevator owners must first file a petition for a variance with the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Bureau of Elevator Safety (“Bureau”). Before the variance can be approved, the Bureau requires written documentation from the local fire authority having jurisdiction deeming the elevator hoistway as a critical area, as stated in NFPA 1221 (2016) Since this section of NFPA 1221 does not specifically state that the hoistway is a critical area, the local fire authority having jurisdiction must pronounce it as such.

“NFPA 1221 (2016) Critical Areas. Critical areas, such as the fire command center(s), the fire pump room(s), exit stairs, exit passageways, elevator lobbies, standpipe cabinets, sprinkler sectional valve locations and other areas deemed critical by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be provided with 99 percent floor area radio coverage.”

Please share this information with your local offices. The Bureau will not approve variances for installation of radio systems equipment in elevator hoistways without a letter or email from the fire authority having jurisdiction deeming the hoistway as a “critical area”.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Bureau at [email protected].

Click here to view the original memo from the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR).

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