"Chief-to-Chief" - Protection & Personnel Strategies

During these challenging times, we may find ourselves looking for alternative means and methods of service delivery while keeping our personnel safe and our workforce intact. If you have developed such alternative means and methods, please feel free to share and we will post on this page.

Submit Strategies

After several SERP/FFCA regional conference calls, we have heard many great actions taken by our fire department management to address issues related to COVID-19. Such actions include:

  • Single entry point for fire stations
  • Routine temperature and BP checks of firefighters
  • Stopping public BP checks at stations
  • Offloading patients in bay of emergency rooms, and not going inside
  • Decon shoes of firefighters/ leaving outside living area, allowing use of sandals inside firehouse
  • Offering negative sick leave for new FFs who have not earned adequate hours
  • Staffing and responding limited number of special transport units to handle COVID-19 calls
  • Adjusting Time-Trade/Swap policies
  • Establishing A/B staffing plans, Ride-up Lists, establishing take down unit lists
  • Setting up special Decon sites for units to go to after a call

Below are the strategies we have recently received: